Army soldiers line up to board a C-130 aircraft.


  • Two additional MAFFS C-130s-activated, arrive at Peterson AFB

    Air National Guard aircrews and two C-130 Hercules aircraft from 153rd Airlift Wing, Cheyenne, Wyoming, and 152nd AW, Reno, Nevada, arrive in response for assistance from the National Interagency Fire Center to support the ongoing fire suppression response efforts in the western U.S., at Peterson

  • 1993: The 302nd Airlift Wing takes on the MAFFS mission

     It was 1993 when the 302nd Airlift Wing received the Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System mission from the Air Force Reserve’s 943rd Airlift Group, March Air Force Base, California. The MAFFS mission provided aerial firefighting support to largescale, wildland fires by laying down lines of fire

  • Around the Air Force: April 30

    On this look Around the Air Force, Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee for the 2019 Fiscal Budget, the 911thAirlift Wing switches to C-17s, humanitarian cargo is delivered to Guatemala, and Guard and Reserve Airmen train for wildfire

  • Air Guard, Reserve wings kick off annual MAFFS training

    As temperatures heated up in northern California, aerial firefighters from four C-130 airlift wings operating the U.S.D.A. Forest Service’s Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System, or MAFFS, started a weeklong training April 23, 2018, in anticipation of summer blazes.

  • Schoolhouse unites father, son for C-130 mission

    Airman Trevor Armentrout, 700th Airlift Squadron loadmaster, and his father, Col. Jeffrey Armentrout, 302nd Airlift Wing vice commander, attended Center of Excellence, the C-130 schoolhouse, at Little Rock Air Force Base.