Army soldiers line up to board a C-130 aircraft.


  • AFRC restructures the enlisted grade force

    On October 1, more than 3,500 enlisted Reserve Citizen Airmen will see upgrades to their grade authorizations.MAJCOM senior enlisted leaders and other key members reviewed, evaluated and restructured the enlisted grade authorizations as part of the Enlisted Grade Council, established in 2016. The

  • Air Force Reserve takes center stage at AFA conference

    AFRC leaders played a prominent role during the conference as Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee, chief of the Air Force Reserve and AFRC commander, led discussions on “Using the Competitive Edge to Train How We Fight,” and Chief Master Sgt. Timothy White Jr., AFRC command chief master sergeant, joined a panel

  • Reserve readiness for today and the future

    The reemergence of long-term strategic and great-power competition necessitates that the Air Force Reserve grow its capabilities to meet the demands of the future operating environment while integrating with AETC and the Air National Guard.

  • Promoting through performance

    Five Reserve Citizen Airmen from the 302nd Airlift Wing are set to add another stripe to their sleeves after earning an early promotion through the Air Force Reserve Stripes for Exceptional Performers II program.

  • CMSAF Wright talks resiliency and readiness at all call

    Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright discussed resiliency and readiness with an auditorium filled with Tinker Airmen during an All Call held at the Hudiburg Chevrolet Center during his base visit last week.“The primary reason for me to do base visits is coming out to see what a base

  • A1 Support Team to be Available on Primary UTA Weekends

    Beginning in October, the A1 directorate will have a team available to provide support to the field on all primary unit training assembly weekends. This effort is just one of many transformation initiatives AFRC A1 is implementing to reform the human capital enterprise and further enable ready,

  • Building stronger Airmen through Resiliency Total Force Partnerships

    The stress of performing operations for an extended time, frequent deployments and exposure to extreme violence eventually takes a toll on Airmen. The 655th Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing, 718th Intelligence Squadron, makes taking care of Airmen a priority, providing services

  • Developmental education opportunites for Reserve Citizen Airmen

    Air Force Reserve Citizen Airmen are selected every year to attend Developmental Education courses boarded through the Reserve School Selection Board (RSSB A&B), Reserve Developmental Education Designation Board (RDEDB), and Enlisted Developmental Education Board (EDEB). The boards are held

  • Colorado reservists make impact abroad

    Reserve Citizen Airmen from the 302nd Logistics Readiness Squadron spent two weeks bolstering wartime readiness for U.S. Air Forces in Europe and the U.S. Africa Command at the War Reserve Materiel Central Regional Storage Facility in Luxembourg.

  • Enlisted town hall takeaway; you do not walk alone

    Chief Master Sgt. Kahn Scalise, the 302nd Airlift Wing command chief, hosted an enlisted town hall at the base auditorium here June 1, to speak directly with the wing's enlisted Reserve Citizen Airmen about wellness, resilience and communication.