Army soldiers line up to board a C-130 aircraft.


  • Air Force Reserve Command honors annual Award winners for 2023

    Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) celebrated its Annual Award winners for 2023 during a ceremony in Washington, D.C. Each Airman, noncommissioned officer, senior noncommissioned officer, and first sergeant was nominated by their individual units, exemplifying the outstanding effort put forth by the

  • 302nd Airlift Wing welcomes new commander

    The 302nd Airlift Wing welcomed their new commander during a change of command ceremony, Aug. 1, here. Col. Christopher Zidek, 413th Flight Test Group commander, assumed command of the 302 AW from Col. James DeVere.

  • Hurricane Hunter sets unit record for eyewall penetrations

    In the Air Force, the number 341 typically elicits an unpleasant memory. Like that time someone in your group of three marching at basic military training forgot to put their cover on, so you all were vehemently reprimanded by a military training instructor and had your 341 pulled.Or that time you

  • Hurricane Hunters fly first Pacific hurricane

    The Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter aircrews flew five weather reconnaissance missions into Hurricane Douglas, the first hurricane in the Pacific, July 24-27, 2020, collecting data to assist Central Pacific Hurricane Center forecasters.The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, assigned to the