Sept. 29, 2023 Brown’s tenure as CSAF leaves lasting imprint on the service, its evolution As Gen. CQ Brown, Jr. closes out his three-year tenure as the Air Force’s highest-ranking officer and braces for a new, even more challenging assignment as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Feb. 16, 2023 Vice Chief’s Challenge calls Airmen to operationalize Agile Combat Employment The goal of the DAF 2023 Vice Chief's Challenge is to find innovative responses to challenges affecting Agile Combat Employment.
Nov. 30, 2022 Air, Space Forces transition to AFWERX 3.0 AFWERX will release a series of new initiatives in support of its 3.0 evolution. Air and Space Force leaders will detail new opportunities for stakeholder engagement during a live broadcast Dec. 14.
Feb. 18, 2022 Brown modifies Action Orders to lock in gains, accelerate change Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., has issued modifications to the “Action Orders” driving Accelerate Change or Lose.
Jan. 7, 2022 DAF to launch myEval in 2022 Beginning January 2022, the Department of the Air Force will launch a new enlisted and officer evaluation system application, myEvaluation, to further support ongoing IT and talent management transformations for Total Force Airmen and Guardians.
Dec. 14, 2021 Air Force announces Spark Tank 2022 semifinalists A panel of nearly 30 subject matter experts from across the Department of the Air Force met Nov. 16, 2021 at the Basic Research Innovation and Collaboration Center in Arlington and via a virtual teleconferencing platform to conduct the Spark Tank 2022 quarterfinals.