Image shows four people on ramp of large aircraft while in flight


  • Building our nation

    What's the only group of people specifically identified in the Constitution of the United States? If you answered Native Americans, you would be correct. Native Americans hold this distinction not as a matter of race, but because Native American tribes are considered sovereign nations. This is a

  • Changing with the times: Here comes your new Front Range Flyer

    So what do you think of the new Front Range Flyer? Your Public Affairs office works feverishly to answer these two, simple questions: how do we tell more than 1,400 of our Reserve family members the Air Force story and how do we tell you what's going on throughout the wing and, just as important,

  • 'I do my job because I believe in goodness'

    Years ago, I had a lot of preconceived notions about humanitarian missions. I see in my head the military responding to an African village struck by disease, famine or war, or perhaps even airlifting precious supplies to an area in the Pacific struck by a natural disaster, like a tsunami or typhoon.

  • Manage your career progression

    Have you ever been passed over or not been selected for a position you thought you were qualified for? Did you follow up with the supervisor or hiring official to ask why you were not selected? In my experience as a hiring supervisor I have had to pass over individuals who I thought would have been

  • Up, up, and away!

    The lights dim, the engine roars, and you snuggle down into your field jacket for a 5-hour flight to somewhere in the U.S. At least that is where you are really going but the scenario is that you are flying to a foreign country to set up a base to support our nation. You can't snack on anything on

  • Understanding processes can alleviate frustration

    The Medical Evaluation Board, World Wide Duty and Line of Duty processes are very confusing and time consuming. Having some understanding of what they are, and how they work may help alleviate some of the frustration. The 302nd Aeromedical Staging Squadron works diligently to make this process as

  • Your sacrifices make our team successful

    It has been more than eight months since I became the chief servant of the 302nd Airlift Wing - what a great experience it's been. As we prepare for the holiday season, I have the opportunity to reflect on the past year's accomplishments. Recently, we had nearly 500 reservists deactivate after two

  • Mentors are priceless resources

    There was this one UTA where it seemed I was being pulled in every direction. I remember it clearly because it was during the Christmas holiday season. I tend to be overly ambitious, and had volunteered to set things up and pick things up on and off base, in addition to doing my regular duties at

  • Grasp opportunities to sponge from mentors

    Do you ever wonder why some people seem to advance in their careers faster than others? Hmmm. Are they better at doing their primary job than the next guy? Not really. Do you suppose somebody might be helping them advance in their career? It's possible. Although you could advance in your career

  • Total Force Integration bringing change - and opportunity!

    I have been very fortunate throughout my Air Force career to work in good jobs for good supervisors. In March, an opportunity to spend a few months at the Headquarters Air Force Directorate of Total Force Integration in Washington D.C. presented itself. Fortunately, my current supervisor happens to